Ok, I may be a little late to the game on this one, but I just found one of the best cafés in the world. The Fumbally.
I am in love. The communal wooden tables, the high ceilings and big bright windows. Chalkboards, live plants, rustic farmhouse atmosphere. Heaven.
Despite the fact that this place was recommended to us by a very dependable source (Aunt Mari) months ago I only recently rediscovered it the other day as I was running (I am discovering so much these days due to running). So even though it is a cool 2km (1.3mi) away I had to venture out to see what it was all about.
I ordered their regular falafel wrap and a tea while eyeing the flour less chocolate cake for later. The wrap was saucy and oh so flavourful with crispy cabbage, fresh tomatoes and cooked beets. I have been craving good falafel since I have been here (actually since I left LA years ago). Although this isn't quite like the delicious fried mess you would get from a middle eastern counter in the valley, it has satisfied my recent craving. Think more Follow Your Heart.

So far the only downside that I can see is that they are not open on Sundays. This place screams brunch to me. Unfortunately, not too many Irish people are screaming for brunch. In fact, this is funny, brunch doesn't start until noon or one around here. It seems that getting up at 8 am is ridiculously early for a lot of people, which means we have nice quiet mornings to ourselves more often than not. However, I see myself adapting to that lifestyle a little too easily. Talk to me in a month.
Uh-oh, time to cut this short. I have to go because it is going to start raining and I don't have a rain jacket. Weather changes more often in a day here that it does in Rockies, I'll tell you what. You think I would have learned between the two.
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