GrAmmie's GrAmmAr

Because we are all still learning...

Grammie (right) and her twin sister Dorothy.
This page is dedicated to my Grammie, who always has the answers whether you want to hear them or not.  I am hoping that by reposting her grammatical corrections it will all sink in one day.

Monday, 13 May 2013
prawn fest or bust

Hi Julie,
Loved your blog always...
Very interesting...I will not critique,
but suggest that you keep it in the same 
tense..."we are,  or we did". that's not a 
good example. I loved it, anyway, no worries...
And, I love you...

Sunday, 24 March 2013
round eye

Dear Mrs. Dooley,

Would you rather that I didn't critique your blog? Too bad!
In one sentence you said "I love (of) good challenge"

A good wine is a COMPLEMENT to a good completes it...

An expression of praise or regards is COMPLIMENT

I love you...<3


Sunday, 10 March 2013
this was a draft first


If you sent it to me before posting the blog, I could correct
it easier...

First...grammer is correctly spelled GRAMMAR.

Also, Silver linning, is correctly spelled Lining...this is like the word
dinning, which I corrected you to dining room...years ago.

It gives me great pleasure to be able to help you with your writing...

I love it, so keep up the good work...I want to print it out...

If you read it over slowly you will catch a couple of words that were   
left out., or misplaced.

I love you,

25 minutes later I received this:

I am writing this after the other one, because I went 
back to start  to read it again, and what do I see?  DINNING ROOM.

Cant believe it.

Say this: din-ning (wrong) / lin-ning
Now this: din-ing  (wrong) / lin-ing

I love you, trying to me pleasure...

Me and Grams

1 comment:

  1. This makes me happy. Thank you for the rememories 💖Dani
